telemedicine telehealth walsh approach to treat depression naturally

Treat Depression without Drugs

Second Opinion Physician is an online telemedicine practice managed by your Walsh Approach, depression doctor online, Dr David Epstein D.O. Use this site to order methylation testing, copper overload testing, pyrrole urine tests and the full set of labs for treating depression without drugs.

Treat Depression without Drugs | Walsh Protocol | David Epstein, D.O. | Depression Doctor Online

Lab testing and medical consultations by functional medicine physician. Dr David Epstein, D.O.  has focused his practice in the Walsh Approach for more than 10 years. Patients may utilize this website to order lab tests for methylation, tests for copper overload and the full panel of labs outlined by Dr Walsh for evaluation and customized nutritional therapy to treat depression without drugs. Options available here to order lab tests with or without consultations. Or, bring your own Walsh test results for a Second Opinion.  Dr Dave is your depression doctor online for methylation testing, copper overload testing, pyrrole testing and and other key nutrients researched and found to be vitally important in managing mood and behavior disorders.  

Walsh Approach Test Lab Panel

online doctor treat depression naturally methylation imbalance

Includes Primary Labs Per the Walsh Approach for Assessing Mood and Behavior Disorders

This lab panel is utilized to identify possible methylation imbalance, copper overload, oxidative stress and other factors that influence and neurotransmitter activity. Targeted, individualized supplementation needs are determined from this panel based on your unique biochemistry:

Copper Overload Testing - Serum Copper
Zinc Deficiency Testing - Plasma Zinc
Methylation Testing - WB H istamine
Vitamin D
Complete Blood Count
Metabolic Panel

Consultation and Biotype Report

Full Consultation with Dr David Epstein, D.O., plus Biotype Report and Phone Discussion

This is one of several consultation options available for patients. Other choices include a simple 10 minute or 20 minute phone consultation or consultation based on labs provided by other physicians, or no labs at all. This full Biotype Assessment includes the following:

Review of History
Blood Test Interpretation
Biotype Report
Supplement Plan
Phone Discussion
Supplements Discount



What is my "Biotype?"

treat depression naturally

Your Botype is your distinct biochemical profile based on a specific set of laboratory tests and corresponding symptoms. This information helps physicians establish whether you fall into one or more of the "Five Biotypes of Depression," a term coined by Dr William Walsh, based on his research findings that indicate there are five classifications of nutrient imbalances most commonly underlying depression and other mood disorders.

By reviewing the lab results of the Comprehensive Biotype Panel, Walsh protocol physicians can pinpoint the specific biochemical imbalances you might be encountering. This can inform us about the activity of critical neurotransmitter activity, reuptake and receptor sensitivity.

Why take this test?

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One might consider taking this test as a first choice for managing depression and other mood disorders, or when medications have failed or are a less desirable option.

Most common imbalances that lead to depression and anxiety include, for example,  copper, ceruloplasmin and zinc imbalances. Copper overload testing is a simple lab that can explain why a large number of people experience anxiety and depression. Copper overload is caused by a variety of factors and because it is so common, a large number of persons can be treated for depression without drugs. Another common cause of mood disorders is undermethylation and overmethylation. Methylation testing can be done with a simple whole blood histamine test, or more extensively with a plasma methylation pathway test. Methylation is a condition we are born with and if undermethylated, our mood imblances are likely due to low serotonin and dopamine activity. Overmethylators on the other hand have high serotonin and dopamine depression and are best treated with folates and niacin. Dr David Epstein, a functional medicine physician with 10 years of experience with the Walsh Protocol, is well equipped to provide help in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions.

Why treat depression without drugs?

antidepressant alternative nutrient therapy

Prescription drugs are the go to treatment for depression, despite the fact it is possible to treat depression without drugs. That's because doctors are generally unfamiliar with nutrient therapy and the role nutrients play in affecting the function of neurotransmitters.

Drug deficiency is not the cause of depression. Biochemical imbalances, though, are most often the root cause of depression and a wide range of other mood and behavior disorders. Therefore it is impractical to assume medications will solve the problem and recognize the harmful effect they can lead to when taken indescriminantly or for extended periods of time.

If copper overload test reveals depression is due to zinc deficiency or copper overload, then anti-depressants will not likely be of any help. The same goes for methylation imbalances. Overmethylators, who are functioning with high levels of serotonin and dopamine are likely to do extremely bad with antidepressants, such as SSRI drugs which further increase these neurotransmitters.

Approaching mental health care based on an individuals unique biochemical status, rather than by prescribing a drug based on a specific diagnosis, holds greater promise as it addresses the underlying biochemistry that originally led to the imbalance of neurotransmitter function.

What are the next steps to get started?

Don't hesitate to give me a call. I'm more than happy to chat at no cost to help answer any lingering questions or to provide reassurance about whether this approach is right for your situation. You can click on the image above to call me, send a message, or arrange a pre-consultation call. If you're already confident that this is the test and consultation you want, there's no need for this preliminary call. If you've ordered a consultation, rest assured we'll have an opportunity to talk afterwards.

When you're prepared to order the Comprehensive Biotype Panel, simply click on the provided link or navigate via the menu above. Upon purchase, I'll send you a lab requisition via email, complete with detailed instructions and a link to your nearest Lab Corp facility. All you need to do is bring this form to the lab; they will request your ID and collect a blood sample. No additional lab fees are required.

Typically, your results will be available within 3 business days. They will be sent to my office initially, and then forwarded to the email address you've provided at checkout when you made your order.

Once the consultation has been ordered, you will receive a lab requisition and instructions by email with link to a questionnaire and consent form.

This information will be used to prepare your Biotype Assessment. It takes about 2-3 days to prepare and send. Once received, you may schedule a call as soon as the next day to discuss any questions you may have about the findings, assessment, supplement plan, lifestyle recommendations.

Based on the results, Dr Dave's expectations regarding your best chances for improvement and long term strategy will also be discussed.

Dr David Epstein, D.O. is a functional medicine doctor with 35 years of general practice experience. As a Walsh Approach Practitioner, Dr Dave treats depression without drugs as he has an excellent knowledge of methylation testing and treatment, and copper overload testing which are two major factors that make up 3 of the Biotypes of Depression, as Dr Walsh describes. His functional medicine background provides hime with the expertise to address other contributing factors such as oxidative stress, toxic overload, intestinal dysbiosis, auto-immunity and hormone imbalances.

Follow Up Care

Dr. Dave is on hand for follow-up questions, consultations, or retesting of elements from the Comprehensive Panel. For best results, we typically recommend retesting those components that were previously imbalanced, usually 2-3 months after beginning supplement therapy. This website conveniently enables you to order lab testing for individual items whenever necessary. Brief consultations to review the results are also an option. If you have queries, feel free to send an email. He will check your prior lab results and guide you on any necessary retesting.

Additionally, you can order a variety of other lab tests and panels through this website. Depending on the specific test, Dr. Dave may be in a position to evaluate your results, offer advice, or refer you to a relevant specialist or a suitable local physician.

treat depression without drugs Walsh Protocol David Epstein, D.O. depression doctor online functional medicine

While we don't accept insurance directly, we can provide you with a Superbill upon request, which may allow for potential reimbursement from your insurance provider. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a diagnosis code prior to ordering labs at Lab Corp, which is necessary if you intend to have Lab Corp directly bill your insurance.

Understanding that budget constraints might be a factor for some, we offer alternatives to divide the panel. For example, you may opt to order only a copper overload panel or a methylation panel. We also offer different consultation options, such as a brief 10 or 20-minute phone call to discuss results. While we cannot review a full questionnaire and provide supplement details in such a short call, this might be a viable option under certain circumstances. Furthermore, for those experiencing financial difficulties, discounts may be available upon request.

The Walsh Approach

Dr. Walsh's trailblazing research on methylation testing and copper overload testing has shed new light on its effects on mood disorders, such as depression and autism. He has also unveiled the crucial role of copper toxicity in anxiety and depression. His insight into the epigenetic role of folic acid in serotonin reuptake offers clarity on its indiscriminate use, particularly among individuals "deemed" to be undermethylated based on the prevalent MTHFR genetic test. This transformative understanding has led to the creation of tailored nutrient therapies, significantly advancing mental health management. Thanks to his relentless efforts at  physician training globally, the Walsh Protocol has made a profound impact on countless lives.

Biotype Nutrients is an online supplement store developed exclusively for patients evaluated by Second Opinion Physician. Although purchasing from this platform isn't mandatory, it offers competitive pricing and high-quality brands arranged per the Five Biotype system developed by Dr. Walsh. If you've had a Biotype Assessment prepared by Your Online Physician, you will receive a discount coupon for all purchases made on this vitamin and minerals website.

Dr. Dave's Blog Posts

How Folic Acid Worsen Depression in Undermethylators

By David Epstein, D.O.

Why Taking Folic Acid for Depression Worsens Symptoms, Even with MTHFR Genetic Mutations Why Genetic SNPs such as MTHFR Cannot Determine Overall Methylation Status – 2 minute video. William Walsh PhD Video MTHFR and Folates The belief that folates cause depression or contribute to it, particularly in individuals with mood disorders, has gained attention recently. […] Read More