Mitochondrial Function, Mitochondrial Disease, Treating Mitochondrial Disease
In this article, we will explore what mitochondria are, their role in cellular function, and [...]
Methylene Blue: A Promising Treatment for Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Methylene Blue: A Potential Treatment for Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Neurological Disorders Methylene Blue [...]
Ferritin Testing: Iron Toxicity and its Links to Oxidative Stress, Gut Health, and Age Related Disease
Iron Overload: Ferritin, Toxic Overload, Liver Inflammation and Brain Health Iron, a critical mineral, is [...]
Thomas Levy MD, Protocol for Chronic Viral Infections
Dr. Thomas Levy’s Comments on Vitamin C, Ozone, and Chronic Infections and Oxidative Stress by [...]
Evaluating Methylation Pathway to Treat Depression
Evaluating Methylation Status: MTHFR vs Methylation Pathway Testing in Depression Testing for Depression”: Whole Blood [...]
Benefits of Saunas for Detoxification
Introduction to Saunas and Dr. Rhonda Patrick Saunas have been a cornerstone of health and [...]
Addressing Elevated SAH-S-Adenosylhomocysteine, in Undermethylation
Improving Mental Health; When Undermethylation is Exacerbated by Elevated Levels of SAH SAM/SAH Ratio in [...]
Zinc Deficiency | Meaning, Symptoms and Testing
Zinc Deficiency Meaning Zinc deficiency refers to the condition where there is insufficient zinc in [...]
Mastering Histamine Intolerance: Low Histamine Diet & DAO Enhancing Foods
Managing Histamine Intolerance: A Comprehensive Guide on Low Histamine and DAO Enhancing Foods Are you [...]
Migraines, Autism, Gluten & Methylation | What’s the Connection?
Migraines, Autism, and Gluten Allergies: The Underlying Role of Histamine, Undermethylation, and DAO In this [...]