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How apple cider vinegar may assist overmethylators

This publication suggests that acetate, derived from acetic acid, may assist the brain and other [...]

Treating Bipolar Disorder with Supplements – Walsh Protocol

Treating bipolar disorder with supplements is addressed by William Walsh Phd in this podcast. His [...]

Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders

An summary of characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders Provided by In both children and [...]

Assessing Cause and Treating Autistic Kids and Autism Spectrum Adults

Focus on detoxification, immune status and brain biochemistry A leaky gut syndrome is an inflammatory [...]

The Epigenetic Theory of Autism

  The following was taken from an intereview with Dr Walsh by Dan E Burns [...]

Natural Remedies for Mood Disorders

Pioneers in the field of Nutrient Therapy, such as Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD and William [...]

Good Foods During Pregnancy

 We are all either undermethylators, overmethylators or normal methylators. Many persons with depression are under [...]

The Role of Pyrroles in Depression

##kryptopyrrole, also known as pyroluria or mauve factor, is a condition in which elevated levels [...]

William Walsh PhD; Theory of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a lifelong mental illness caused by permanent changes in functioning that result from [...]