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Category: Other Protocols

Mastering Histamine Intolerance: Low Histamine Diet & DAO Enhancing Foods

Managing Histamine Intolerance: A Comprehensive Guide on Low Histamine and DAO Enhancing Foods Are you [...]

Migraines, Autism, Gluten & Methylation | What’s the Connection?

Migraines, Autism, and Gluten Allergies: The Underlying Role of Histamine, Undermethylation, and DAO In this [...]

Detoxification; Benefits of Ozone Therapy, Dry Saunas, Colonics and Toxin Avoidance

Treatment and Avoidance of Toxins to Improve Health and Wellbeing The modern world exposes us [...]

Toxic Overload, Depression and Detoxification Pathways

Toxic Overload and Depression: The Effect of Toxins on Methylation and Glutathione Depletion This article [...]

LDN Low Dose Naltrexone for High Histamine

Comparing LDN Therapy, DAO Improvement, and Methylation Support for Histamine Overload How Low Dose Naltrexone [...]

Mark Gordon MD Explains TBI Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression and PTSD

Neuroprotective hormone production impaired by hypothalamus damage and oxidative stress Mark Gordon MD has pioneered [...]

Ozone Therapy for Detoxification and Enhanced Health

Ozone Therapy: A Controversial Yet Promising Treatment Despite its potential benefits, ozone therapy remains a [...]

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Influence of glutathione and toxic overload.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Autism: Implications for Treatment and Management Autism Spectrum Disorder [...]

Alzheimer’s – Dale Bredesen MD; Cognoscopy Lab Test Panel

Understanding the Bredesen Protocol: A Holistic Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Reversal Receiving a [...]

Ozone Therapy Mechanism of Action- Silvia Menendez Cepero MD

Silvia Menendez Cepero, MD – Cuban Physician Dr Cepero introduced ozone therapy in Cuba in [...]