Category: Toxic Overload
How to Remove Toxins from Your Kidneys and Improve Methylation: Dr. Robin Rose’s Approach to Kidney Detox
How to Detoxify the Kidneys to Improve Methylation: Insights from Dr. Robin Rose The kidneys [...]
Diet, Environment and Subtle Influences on Body pH; Alkalinity and Acidity
Chronic Low Grade Acidosis and the Need for Alkalinization to Improve Methylation Modern lifestyles often [...]
Detoxify the Liver with Vitamin U and Cabbage Juice
Vitamin U from Cabbage Juice Lower homocysteine while reducing cardiovascular inflammation and increasing production of [...]
Identify Hidden Glutamates in Your Diet to Improve Brain Function
As research into the complexities of the human brain continues, one finding stands clear: dietary [...]
NMDAR Hyperactivity: The Link to OCD and Promising Therapies
NMDA Glutamate Receptors & OCD: Insights and Potential Treatments The NMDA Receptor and Its Function [...]
SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective
SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective” Managing Elevated SAH: Effects and Interventions Mood [...]
Mitochondrial Function, Mitochondrial Disease, Treating Mitochondrial Disease
In this article, we will explore what mitochondria are, their role in cellular function, and [...]
Methylene Blue: A Promising Treatment for Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Methylene Blue: A Potential Treatment for Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Neurological Disorders Methylene Blue [...]
Ferritin Testing: Iron Toxicity and its Links to Oxidative Stress, Gut Health, and Age Related Disease
Iron Overload: Ferritin, Toxic Overload, Liver Inflammation and Brain Health Iron, a critical mineral, is [...]
Benefits of Saunas for Detoxification
Introduction to Saunas and Dr. Rhonda Patrick Saunas have been a cornerstone of health and [...]