Undermethylation | Second Opinion Physician

Category: Undermethylation

Low Brain Folate in Autism, Seizures, and Neurological Disorders: The Role of Folinic Acid

Cerebral Folate Deficiency in Autism Low Brain Folate in Autism, Seizures, and Neurological Disorders: Why [...]

How to Remove Toxins from Your Kidneys and Improve Methylation: Dr. Robin Rose’s Approach to Kidney Detox

How to Detoxify the Kidneys to Improve Methylation: Insights from Dr. Robin Rose The kidneys [...]

Creatine Improves Methylation; A Strategy for Creatine Supplemenation

Creatine Improves Methylation Creatine Supplementation: A Second Opinion Physician Hypothesis to Reduce Methylation Demand in [...]

Diet, Environment and Subtle Influences on Body pH; Alkalinity and Acidity

Chronic Low Grade Acidosis and the Need for Alkalinization to Improve Methylation Modern lifestyles often [...]

Improve Methylation with Sodium Bicarbonate: Raise pH to Lower SAH

Enzymes and Kidney Function: How Baking Soda Improves Methylation by Raising pH to lower SAH. [...]

White Blood Cells; Basophils, Histamines and Depression

Understanding the Connection Between High Basophils, Methylation, and Depression White blood cells (WBCs) play a [...]

Selecting the Best Antidepressant: How Methylation Status Can Guide Your Depression Treatment

Improve your treatment outcome by choosing the best antidepressant based on methylation status. If you’ve [...]

Detoxify the Liver with Vitamin U and Cabbage Juice

Vitamin U from Cabbage Juice Lower homocysteine while reducing cardiovascular inflammation and increasing production of [...]

NMDAR Hyperactivity: The Link to OCD and Promising Therapies

NMDA Glutamate Receptors & OCD: Insights and Potential Treatments The NMDA Receptor and Its Function [...]

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective” Managing Elevated SAH: Effects and Interventions Mood [...]