Walsh Protocol | Page 2 of 7 | Second Opinion Physician

Category: Walsh Protocol

Dr Bill Walsh PhD protocol identifies key brain nutrients that are responsible for neurotransmitter production and cellular performance.

Identify Hidden Glutamates in Your Diet to Improve Brain Function

As research into the complexities of the human brain continues, one finding stands clear: dietary [...]

NMDAR Hyperactivity: The Link to OCD and Promising Therapies

NMDA Glutamate Receptors & OCD: Insights and Potential Treatments The NMDA Receptor and Its Function [...]

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective” Managing Elevated SAH: Effects and Interventions Mood [...]

Mitochondrial Function, Mitochondrial Disease, Treating Mitochondrial Disease

In this article, we will explore what mitochondria are, their role in cellular function, and [...]

Methylene Blue: A Promising Treatment for Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Methylene Blue: A Potential Treatment for Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Neurological Disorders Methylene Blue [...]

Ferritin Testing: Iron Toxicity and its Links to Oxidative Stress, Gut Health, and Age Related Disease

Iron Overload: Ferritin, Toxic Overload, Liver Inflammation and Brain Health Iron, a critical mineral, is [...]

Evaluating Methylation Pathway to Treat Depression

Evaluating Methylation Status: MTHFR vs Methylation Pathway Testing in Depression Testing for Depression”: Whole Blood [...]

Benefits of Saunas for Detoxification

Introduction to Saunas and Dr. Rhonda Patrick Saunas have been a cornerstone of health and [...]

Addressing Elevated SAH-S-Adenosylhomocysteine, in Undermethylation

Improving Mental Health; When Undermethylation is Exacerbated by Elevated Levels of SAH SAM/SAH Ratio in [...]

Zinc Deficiency | Meaning, Symptoms and Testing

Zinc Deficiency Meaning Zinc deficiency refers to the condition where there is insufficient zinc in [...]