Category: Walsh Protocol
Dr Bill Walsh PhD protocol identifies key brain nutrients that are responsible for neurotransmitter production and cellular performance.
Assessing Cause and Treating Autistic Kids and Autism Spectrum Adults
Focus on detoxification, immune status and brain biochemistry A leaky gut syndrome is an inflammatory [...]
The Epigenetic Theory of Autism
The following was taken from an intereview with Dr Walsh by Dan E Burns [...]
Natural Remedies for Mood Disorders
Pioneers in the field of Nutrient Therapy, such as Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD and William [...]
The Role of Pyrroles in Depression
##kryptopyrrole, also known as pyroluria or mauve factor, is a condition in which elevated levels [...]
William Walsh PhD; Theory of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a lifelong mental illness caused by permanent changes in functioning that result from [...]
What is epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the at the core of what I practice with SOP, particularly when working [...]
ADHD Nutrient Imbalance
#adhd in children exists in about 8-9% of the general population. However as many as 35% [...]