Intestinal Health | Second Opinion Physician

Tag: Intestinal Health

Identify Hidden Glutamates in Your Diet to Improve Brain Function

As research into the complexities of the human brain continues, one finding stands clear: dietary [...]

NMDAR Hyperactivity: The Link to OCD and Promising Therapies

NMDA Glutamate Receptors & OCD: Insights and Potential Treatments The NMDA Receptor and Its Function [...]

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective” Managing Elevated SAH: Effects and Interventions Mood [...]

Ferritin Testing: Iron Toxicity and its Links to Oxidative Stress, Gut Health, and Age Related Disease

Iron Overload: Ferritin, Toxic Overload, Liver Inflammation and Brain Health Iron, a critical mineral, is [...]

Migraines, Autism, Gluten & Methylation | What’s the Connection?

Migraines, Autism, and Gluten Allergies: The Underlying Role of Histamine, Undermethylation, and DAO In this [...]

Detoxification; Benefits of Ozone Therapy, Dry Saunas, Colonics and Toxin Avoidance

Treatment and Avoidance of Toxins to Improve Health and Wellbeing The modern world exposes us [...]

Toxic Overload, Depression and Detoxification Pathways

Toxic Overload and Depression: The Effect of Toxins on Methylation and Glutathione Depletion This article [...]

The Link Between Obesity, Estrogen, Copper, and Anxiety

Obesity, Estrogen, and Copper: A Complex Relationship with Health Implications Obesity is a medical condition [...]

Foods and Supplements that Lower Plasma Histamine Levels

Foods and Antigens that Typically Raise Intestinal and Plasma Histamine Histamine rich foods: Foods that [...]

The Epigenetic Theory of Autism

  The following was taken from an intereview with Dr Walsh by Dan E Burns [...]