Liver Detoxification | Second Opinion Physician

Tag: Liver Detoxification

Creatine Improves Methylation; A Strategy for Creatine Supplemenation

Creatine Improves Methylation Creatine Supplementation: A Second Opinion Physician Hypothesis to Reduce Methylation Demand in [...]

Improve Methylation with Sodium Bicarbonate: Raise pH to Lower SAH

Enzymes and Kidney Function: How Baking Soda Improves Methylation by Raising pH to lower SAH. [...]

Detoxify the Liver with Vitamin U and Cabbage Juice

Vitamin U from Cabbage Juice Lower homocysteine while reducing cardiovascular inflammation and increasing production of [...]

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective

SAH, Methylation, and Mood: A Functional Medicine Perspective” Managing Elevated SAH: Effects and Interventions Mood [...]

Addressing Elevated SAH-S-Adenosylhomocysteine, in Undermethylation

Improving Mental Health; When Undermethylation is Exacerbated by Elevated Levels of SAH SAM/SAH Ratio in [...]

Detoxification; Benefits of Ozone Therapy, Dry Saunas, Colonics and Toxin Avoidance

Treatment and Avoidance of Toxins to Improve Health and Wellbeing The modern world exposes us [...]

The Link Between Obesity, Estrogen, Copper, and Anxiety

Obesity, Estrogen, and Copper: A Complex Relationship with Health Implications Obesity is a medical condition [...]

Rhonda Patrick, PhD. Interviews Dale Bredesen MD Alzheimers

This video interviews Dale E. Bredesen, M.D., a neurology professor at the Easton Laboratories for [...]

The Epigenetic Theory of Autism

  The following was taken from an intereview with Dr Walsh by Dan E Burns [...]