Second Opinion Physician Telemedicine
Second Opinion Physician focuses on depression, behavioral disorders, and overall mental health.
Our medical director, David Epstein, D.O., is a licensed integrative and functional osteopathic physician.
Second Opinion Physician Telemedicine Disclosure Statement:
Dr David Epstein, D.O. is the sole practitioner and owner, and operator of all activities at Second Opinion Physician, P.C.
II. Methods of Telemedicine: Second Opinion Physician uses various modes to communicate and evaluate, including:
- Patient medical records
- Secure email for private information sharing and transfer of documents.
- Real-time video and or audio interactions
- Relevant patient evaluation documents provided with Biotype Assessments.
- Online HIPPA compliant-secure, questionnaire and consent forms.
III. Security Measures: To safeguard your information:
- Second Opinion Physician adheres to protocols ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of patient data.
- Our email and EMR system are HIPAA compliant.
- Our website server is robustly secure, but not HIPAA certified. Therefore, please avoid sharing sensitive data via chat or website contact forms.
IV. Benefits: With Second Opinion Physician, you receive:
- Options for testing and or consultations and both.
- Consultation from Dr. David Epstein, D.O., a licensed Osteopathic General Practice physician with extensive experience in Functional Medicine.
- Coordination of lab test ordering, querying relevant issues when making an assessment, this includes results and questionnaire review.
- Extensive follow up phone call (15-30 minutes) with Dr Epstein, included with the Biotype Assessment.
- A focus on the Walsh Approach, targeting mood and behavioral disorders through supplements, lifestyle changes, and diet.
- Strategy to improve imbalances related to methylation, copper/zinc ratios, pyroluria, and toxic overload and digestive health.
- Follow up reassessments, possible including unrelated conditions. However, for medication-related queries, patients are asked to consult with their own, local, prescribing physician or primary care provider. Dr Epstein may suggest and ideally suited local practitioners or make a formal referral to an appropriate practitioner.
- A completely non-pharmaceutical approach with a focus on addressing conditions like depression, anxiety, autism, and dementia, etc.
- Simple ordering of lab tests online and relaying requisition directly to patients for local lab testing.
- Ongoing access to labs and reports for quick resend if necessary.
- Fast turnaround for all testing, evaluations and correspondences.
V. Potential Risks: Like any medical procedure, there are inherent risks to working with a telemedicine physician:
- Inability to physically assess the patient, face to face, visit may present some risk, should the condition be more serious than recognizable.
- Digital data is always vulnerable to outside forces.
- Dependent on internet access. If there is an extended outage between our computers, secure data servers, labs and patients, access may be limited.
- We do not address issues that require attention to or discontinuation of medications.
VI. Consent Provisions: Your rights and obligations include:
- Abiding by standard medical privacy regulations.
- Freely withdrawing or withholding consent at any juncture.
- Accessing and obtaining telemedicine records.
- Exploring alternative medical care avenues.
- Being aware that patient data might be shared with other medical professionals.
- Responsibility to report other electronic health consultations.
- Understanding that results aren't guaranteed.
VII. Acknowledgement: By signing below, I confirm that I've read, understood, and clarified any concerns about the provided information. I consent to telemedicine consultation under Second Opinion Physician.
Patient Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _______________